Because of the duct work running through the basement, I had to create a soffit to hide everything.
In usual fashion, I like to do everything myself, but since the soffit was at the 8ft level, and how I planned to construct it, I was going to need a little bit of help.
First, I needed to create the soffit components on the ground. I did a typical 16" on center stud wall as seen below.
I had previously created a 12" stud wall and screwed it up to the ceiling to create the sides of the soffit. That help that I referred to earlier was not in the form of another person, rather in the form of some helper pieces of wood as seen below.
I took a 2X4 and ran it across where I would need to raise the pre-built soffit pieces.

I propped the one end of the pre built piece on to the stud that I temporarily screwed to the wall components and lifted it up into place. A few quick screws and voila!

Here are a couple of pictures of the finished soffit: